Welcome to my website! I’m Eileen Griffin-Ray, Ph.D. I have been a worker and a learner, simultaneously, most of my life. The combination of theoretical study and knowledge acquisition, combined with practical application and implementation has provided me with insight and foresight into many problems and issues facing our companies and our country. With many years of experience and a wealth of information, I find purpose in sharing my unique insight and opinions to help explain today’s world to others. Please enjoy viewing the content and contact me for speaking or on-camera contributing needs.

Getting a Great Job Doesn’t Have to Require a Lifetime of Loans
Getting a Great Job Doesn’t Have to Require a Lifetime of LoansEileen Griffin You don’t have to have debt to get an education. Front line news on a regular basis is the expense of a college degree and the amount of debt students, and parents, are accruing in order to get an education. There […]

Quarantine Tunes
As we are extending our social distancing and isolation, new challenges emerge. How do we maintain our positive attitudes and spirit in the face of worry, stress and anxiety? We are beyond weeks now and approaching the possibility of a month, or months of sheltering in place. This anomaly is turning into a […]