About Eileen Griffin-Ray
Eileen Griffin-Ray
Dr. Griffin-Ray has extensive experience in business and is well-versed in topics ranging from money matters to labor market issues to political and economic subjects. She has spent most of her career employed in the financial services industry working with broker/dealers, insurance companies, and credit unions. She has extensive experience in, and knowledge of, retirement planning, saving and investing, and labor market issues. She is an executive level leader with expertise in people practices and behaviorism, employee development and career pathing.
Griffin-Ray has been appointed to government commissions and served on committees analyzing and reporting on labor and education issues. She has researched and written about public policy, freedom and free markets, government regulation and overreach as well as various business and financial topics. She has written articles for The Heartland Institute’s publication, Heartland Daily News including coverage of the rise of violence, crime and anarchy, defunding the police and the prison abolition movement, critical race theory (CRT) and anti-American curriculum in public schools, efforts to eliminate merit-based systems, and others. Her doctoral dissertation was on leadership and decision-making, exploring power and culture. She is the author of books, white papers, and articles. Griffin-Ray holds a B.A., M.B.A., and a Ph.D.