Eileen Griffin
Posts by Eileen Griffin:

Getting a Great Job Doesn’t Have to Require a Lifetime of Loans
Getting a Great Job Doesn’t Have to Require a Lifetime of LoansEileen Griffin You don’t have to have debt to get an education. Front line news on a regular basis is the expense of a college degree and the amount of debt students, and parents, are accruing in order to get an education. There […]

Quarantine Tunes
As we are extending our social distancing and isolation, new challenges emerge. How do we maintain our positive attitudes and spirit in the face of worry, stress and anxiety? We are beyond weeks now and approaching the possibility of a month, or months of sheltering in place. This anomaly is turning into a […]

Finding Silver Linings
This is indeed what we might refer to as, “unusual times”. Many of us are concerned about our own health, as well as those around us. While the shelter-in-place directive has frustrated so many, there is not much to be done about it. The helplessness leaves us even more concerned, tense, and distracted. We don’t […]

So, You Say You Want to be a Socialist?
So, You Say You Want to be a Socialist?Seven Suggested Books to Read FirstBy Eileen GriffinFebruary 2020 With the political season in full swing, we are already inundated with the candidates’ opinions and perspectives. While much of the rhetoric is typical, if not redundant, there are some candidates who have staked out a […]

Employee Life Engagement
What is the difference between a mediocre employee and an all-star? It is really very simple. It starts with showing up and ends with active engagement and enthusiasm. First, you have to show up. Surprisingly, many people don’t see absenteeism as an issue. You want to get noticed? Start acting like you care […]

Standing Up and Standing Out
With a historic unemployment rate, now may be an excellent time to advance your career. In a tight labor market, the employee is in the driver’s seat. What better time to make a change then when opportunities abound? If you are new to the labor force, the low unemployment rate means […]

The Fine Art of Followership
Watching geese fly overhead we can observe an incredible art of organization where one is in the lead and others follow, in a very specific pattern. When milling about on the ground, a similar pattern emerges. One bird leads, gives a signal, or begins progressing to another location and the group quickly follows. […]

Five Reliable Ways to Get Ahead in Business
Employees are often anxious to get ahead and frustrated with the time it takes for an advancement opportunity. With just a few changes, you may be able to position yourself better for the next rung on the ladder. With a strong economy, opportunities abound and skilled, talented, hard-working people are in high demand. Employers are […]
Effective Investment Programs For Cost Conscious Credit Unions
This economy has presented some of the greatest challenges most of us have seen in our lifetimes. Unacceptable levels of unemployment, unprecedented numbers of loans in default, foreclosures even in the real estate havens of California and New York. With challenge, however, come opportunity and a chance to review current practices looking for better ideas […]